Blossom Recipe

Blossom Recipe is a FREE WordPress theme that’s best for food bloggers and cooking enthusiasts who want to share their love for food with the world. The clean and visually appealing layout keeps your visitors engaged.

How you present your food is a vital aspect of your blog and so, this theme lets you use a video on the banner where you can display quick recipes or a slideshow. 

Food is all about love and embracing multiple cultures. If you have a unique voice and skill and want to connect with your viewers, the Instagram section lets you display your latest Instagram posts on your website. 

The theme is compatible with the Blossom Recipe Maker plugin and is also mobile-friendly. You can display your recipe, step by step, as you wish. So, your visitors can understand the method clearly. Also, you can add your cooking details and serving based ingredients.

Key Highlights:

  • Video on the banner
  • Appealing Instagram section
  • Newsletter section and widget
  • Step by step cooking instruction
  • Ingredients with servings adjustment
  • Recipe print option
  • Compatible with Blossom Recipe Maker plugin
  • Translation ready