Kalon Chic is a fully FREE feminine blog WordPress theme designed for Fashion, Lifestyle, Beauty, Makeup, Food, and Travel blogs. It features a visually stunning layout that is mobile-friendly and is well-optimized for search engines.
It is a child theme of Kalon FREE WordPress theme. This theme allows you to make changes to the color, slider, background image, and widget-ready areas from the built-in live customizer.
Kalon Chic has a large full-width banner on the default homepage layout. You can display sliders of your latest posts on the banner section.
The appealing Instagram section is another attraction of the Kalon Chic FREE WordPress theme where you can flaunt your Instagram photos. Likewise, the newsletter section is pretty and effective in gaining email subscribers.
Key Highlights:
- Mobile-friendly and fully responsive
- One-click content demo import
- Clean design with lots of white spaces
- Speed optimized
- An interactive slider on the homepage
- Instagram section
- Built-in live customizer
- Translation ready