Ultra News

Ultra News is a WordPress magazine theme for designing content-rich news sites. It is a child theme of the Ultra Seven WordPress theme. You can also use this theme to build blogs/magazines on travel, sports, technology, and more.

The appealing Banner slider of Ultra News helps you display the popular/latest posts. Also, the news ticker effect helps you to highlight the breaking news on your site.

Besides, Ultra News includes several ad spaces, such as on header, sidebar, and more. You can generate revenue from the Google Adsense program if someone clicks on banner advertisements of your site.

Ultra News supports the Elementor page builder. With this builder plugin, you can customize every aspect of your web design to build pixel perfect websites.

Moreover, you can translate your online news magazine into multiple languages with Ultra News.

Key Takeaways

  • Responsive/Mobile Friendly
  • WooCommerce Compatible
  • One-Click Demo Content Import
  • Social Media Integration
  • Translation and RTL Ready